What is Paid Work Experience?
Paid Work Experience connects employers & job seekers in the belief that businesses need trained workers, people need good jobs and communities need strong economies. Paid Work Experience participation is a viable way to eliminate barriers:
- Lack of experience
- Lack of soft skills
- Soft skills presenting challenges to gainful employment
How do I get started?
Call a Workforce Development Specialist at (805) 703-3390 to schedule a convenient appointment to review your needs and begin searching for a candidate.
How long is a Paid Work Experience?
A Paid Work Experience lasts for up to 14 weeks or 480 hours – depending on the position, trainee and whether you will consider hiring on the trainee following the Paid Work Experience. The schedule during the course of a week will be determined by the worksite.
Where does the pool of candidates come from?
Eckerd Connects and AJCC have an active pool of participants currently seeking employment in a variety of industries. Participants will have completed work readiness training and may have also received training and certification through our Workforce Services. Candidates will also have a hands-on Career Coach who will provide support throughout the Paid Work Experience.
Who selects the Paid Work Experience Participant?
As the potential employer, you do. All candidates will attend an internal selection first to determine suitability prior to you receiving any resume for review. After that, you may interview and make your choice. Note: all agreements must be executed prior to participant starting.
How is the participant paid?
Eckerd Connects’ Workforce Development has contracted with XCELHR to cover payroll costs. Worksite has no liability for payroll, taxes and related costs. Trainees are paid weekly at a set rate, and all Paid Work Experience participants will be covered by a Workers Compensation Policy.
More information?
Call (805) 703-3390, or go online to Eckerd Connects or America’s Job Center of California.